线上发现一个奇怪的现象,从wireshark看到,http 服务器只ack响应client端的syn包,client反复重传数据包,但server端只ack 1 回复client的syn包, 后续http server 会继续重传 syn seq 1 ack 1。这样看起来就是 服务器不响应client端的数据包。
想了半天搞懂不那里出了问题,猜测是tcp和syn 连接队列的溢出的问题。
找了一下资料, 确实可能是这个 连接队列的问题,但根据症状还是不太好找到答案的。
下面这篇文章提到这个现象: “TCP/IP协议中backlog参数”
SYN queue: 队列长度由 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog 指定
Accept queue: 队列长度由 /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn 和使用listen函数时传入的参数,二者取最小值。默认为128。在Linux内核2.4.25之前,是写死在代码常量 SOMAXCONN ,在Linux内核2.4.25之后,在配置文件 /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn 中直接修改
在LISTEN状态,其中 Send-Q 即为Accept queue的最大值,Recv-Q 则表示Accept queue中等待被服务器accept()。
另外客户端connect()返回不代表TCP连接建立成功,有可能此时accept queue 已满,系统会直接丢弃后续ACK请求;客户端误以为连接已建立,开始调用等待至超时;服务器则等待ACK超时,会重传SYN+ACK 给客户端,重传次数受限 net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries ,默认为5,表示重发5次,每次等待30~40秒,即半连接默认时间大约为180秒,该参数可以在tcp被洪水攻击是临时启用这个参数。
查看SYN queue 溢出
[root@localhost ~]# netstat -s | grep LISTEN
102324 SYNs to LISTEN sockets dropped
查看Accept queue 溢出
[root@localhost ~]# netstat -s | grep TCPBacklogDrop
TCPBacklogDrop: 2334
“另外客户端connect()返回不代表TCP连接建立成功,有可能此时accept queue 已满,系统会直接丢弃后续ACK请求;客户端误以为连接已建立,开始调用等待至超时;服务器则等待ACK超时,会重传SYN+ACK 给客户端,重传次数受限 net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries”
netstat -s 的数据应该来自 “/proc/net/netstat”, “ListenDrops” “TCPBacklogDrop” 这几个就是对应的syn、accept队列溢出事件吧
netstat -s里面这连个是对应 accept队列溢出和syn队列溢出 ?
4873325 times the listen queue of a socket overflowed
5874286 SYNs to LISTEN sockets dropped
出现问题的机器,这个“times the listen queue of a socket overflowed” 数值确实有异常。
ss -lntp 可以看到 Recv-Q Send-Q 的限制, Recv-Q是当前backlog队列长度。
好像还有一个 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_abort_on_overflow 参数是相关的,参见文章: “Linux-TCP Queue的一些问题”
“Nginx高并发调优中常被忽略的参数” “高并发调优backlog多大合适?”
从这里看队列, 最好调整系统/proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn 同时调整 http服务器的配置listen-backlog为512、1024比较合适。
## listen-backlog is the size of the listen() backlog queue requested when
## the lighttpd server ask the kernel to listen() on the provided network
## address. Clients attempting to connect() to the server enter the listen()
## backlog queue and wait for the lighttpd server to accept() the connection.
## The out-of-box default on many operating systems is 128 and is identified
## as SOMAXCONN. This can be tuned on many operating systems. (On Linux,
## cat /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn) Requesting a size larger than operating
## system limit will be silently reduced to the limit by the operating system.
## When there are too many connection attempts waiting for the server to
## accept() new connections, the listen backlog queue fills and the kernel
## rejects additional connection attempts. This can be useful as an
## indication to an upstream load balancer that the server is busy, and
## possibly overloaded. In that case, configure a smaller limit for
## server.listen-backlog. On the other hand, configure a larger limit to be
## able to handle bursts of new connections, but only do so up to an amount
## that the server can keep up with responding in a reasonable amount of
## time. Otherwise, clients may abandon the connection attempts and the
## server will waste resources servicing abandoned connections.
## It is best to leave this setting at its default unless you have modelled
## your traffic and tested that changing this benefits your traffic patterns.
## Default: 1024
#server.listen-backlog = 128