Cpu instruction cache misses优化和gcc的profile Guided optimization( Coverage 和 O3 Profile Use)

January 21, 2014 | 1 Minute Read


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首先有perf 观察instruction cache misses。
原文提到的这个技巧很有参考价值,以前没怎么注意这个 level 1 instruction cache ("icache").,看来这个东西对性能有很大的影响。一点点的比例对性能影响就很大。 vc 2013内置的profiler和 intel vtune好像也都有这个事件的。不过一直不怎么留意这个东西。明天测试一下看看这个 各个 指令cache miss  , data 的cache miss的比例怎么样,看看能不能学到什么东西。

I am using the Linux perf program for this. During my invistigations, I found that the main bottleneck in the benchmark turns out to be instruction cache misses. Here is an example measurement:
Counter	Value
So 10% of executed instructions missed the level 1 instruction cache ("icache"). That is bad. The Intel Optimization Manual says this about the ratio ICACHE.MISSES/INST_RETIRED.ANY:
Anything over 1% of instructions retired can be a significant issue.
So we are 10 times worse than "a significant issue".
Instruction cache misses cause a bottleneck in the frontend of the CPU - where x86 instructions are fetch, decoded, and supplied to the micro-op queue to be scheduled for the out-of-order dataflow backend. To get an idea about how badly bottlenecked we actually are in the frontend in this benchmark, we can use another measure from the Intel manual:
This ratio estimates the percentage of time in which the front-end is not able to deliver instructions sufficiently fast for the backend to work at full speed. In this case, for more than 80% of the time, the CPU would have been able to do more work in the same time if only instructions could be fetch and decoded faster.

Profile-guided optimization

就可以降低 L1 instruction cache miss 2% 读操作性能就提高了40%
其实就是利用gcc 的 -O3优化里面一个选项吧
先设置CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS. 加上 --coverage , 之后编译执行一遍,应该是采集结果到profile文件。
然后再次用-O3 --profile-use 选项编译程序,应该就利用到前面一次执行的profile结果,重新调整代码组织结构,生成cache更友好的程序吧。 

不过这个-O3 好像不推荐使用啊,前面有论文说 debian里面的c/c++代码用-O3 编译大部分都有bug。

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