Boost bind 传递引用和指针的区别导致的bug

March 19, 2012 | 1 Minute Read

一个例子 。

class A {


virtual void print () {

    cout  << "This is A" << endl;



class B: public A {


virtual void print () {

    cout  << "This is B" << endl;



void print( A & a)




void test ( A & a)


  boost::bind(print, a);


B b;

B & ref_b = b;

test ( ref_b); ////////////// 这个将打印”This is A” , 因为 boost::bind 返回的构造函数会把这种引用参数当作值来对待,所以他这时构建出来的 function对象里面包含个 A 类的对象,你写引用的时候,他按照值来构建一个新的对象的存在函数对象里面的。这个有点奇怪啊,和普通的传引用对比的话,因为我之前用的不多,结果这个地方理解错误了,导致了一个bug,到了最后调用虚函数时不对才发现原来是这样的。

  解决办法,是也简单,改成传指针就可以了,他就不会复制整个对象到函数对象里面去了呃。或者显式的写boost:;ref  来表示引用 ,把上面一句改成   boost::bind(print,   boost::ref( a)); 就可以了。 为什么他要求这种显式的boost::ref  boost::cref 的写法呢? 我估计是  c++ 模板里面区分不了是不是引用的类型? 

boost的 bind 模块对这个文档有说,值注意的是,这个 bind构建出来的函数对象,默认也是按照值来复制的,如果你想得到引用,还是要 显式的使用 boost::ref才行。

a copy of the value of i is stored into the function object. boost::ref and boost::cref can be used to make the function object store a reference to an object, rather than a copy:

int i = 5;

boost::bind(f, boost::ref(i), _1);

boost::bind(f, boost::cref(42), _1); /// const 引用

By default, bind makes a copy of the provided function object. boost::ref and boost::cref can be used to make it store a reference to the function object, rather than a copy. This can be useful when the function object is noncopyable, expensive to copy, or contains state; of course, in this case the programmer is expected to ensure that the function object is not destroyed while it’s still being used.

struct F2


int s;


typedef void result_type;

void operator()( int x ) { s += x; }


F2 f2 = { 0 };

int a[] = { 1, 2, 3 };

std::for_each( a, a+3, bind( ref(f2), _1 ) );

assert( f2.s == 6 );

Using bind with

The expression boost::ref(x) returns a boost::reference_wrapper(x) where X is the type of x. Similarly, boost::cref(x) returns a boost::reference_wrapper(x).